What is the Sales page?


The NOOK Books Sold bar graph displays the number of NOOK Books sold over the past six months through your NOOK Press account. Click Your Royalty to change the bar graph to display net royalty over the past six months.


Click Sales at the top of any page to view the Sales page, where you can view your NOOK Book sales, royalty and payment information:


This Month This box displays your NOOK Books sold and royalty earned from the first day of the current month to the end of the previous day. These numbers are updated daily. Clicking here will take you to this month’s detailed Monthly Sales.


Last Month This box displays your NOOK Books sold and royalty earned from the previous month. These numbers are updated daily. Clicking here will take you last month’s detailed Monthly Sales.


Recent Sales displays your NOOK Books sold and estimated royalty earned from the past two days. Recent Sales is typically accurate to within three hours, meaning that a sale should show up within three hours of when the customer makes the purchase. Recent Sales does not reflect customer returns. Clicking here will take you to your detailed Today’s and Yesterday’s Sales.


Payments displays the Payment ID, issue date and royalty amount for payments that have been sent.