Manuscript Page
Your Manuscript page allows you to manage your Manuscript. You can access this page by clicking on the Project Name of the Manuscript you want to manage from the Projects Page.  

If you have not yet started working on your manuscript, the Manuscript page offers the following options:
Upload Manuscript File: Click here to upload a manuscript file to import into the Manuscript Editor. You will also be able to access our formatting guidelines from this screen in order to make sure you manuscript file is optimised for NOOK Press and NOOK.
Start Writing: Click here to start writing your Manuscript in the Manuscript Editor.

Once you have started working on your Manuscript, the Manuscript page will offer you the following options:
Edit Manuscript: Click here to access the Manuscript Editor.
Replace Manuscript: Click here to upload a new manuscript file and replace your current Manuscript. Remember, uploading a new manuscript file will delete all existing content from your current Manuscript!
Invite Collaborators: Click here to access your Collaborators page. Here, you will be able to see your current Collaborators, invite new Collaborators and view your pending invitations.